In my company we have a strange habit of using third party tools to do the most trivial things rather than using the native features.
A recent example of this is the use of the “Unix” touch command on Windows. It turns out it is quite simple to avoid having to install cygwin or an-other Unix command tools and just use a simple batch file or using the appropriate tasks in MsBuild or Ant.
The batch file solution, is not a perfect solution as I suspect if the file is very large the “copy to self” could take a while but for general developer use it works just fine.
So my touch.bat is simply…
Windows touch.bat
@echo off
for %%i in (%*) do (
if exist %%i (
echo Updating timestramp for file : %%i
copy /b "%%i" +,,
if not exist %%i (
echo Creating zero length file : %%i
copy nul %%i
If you are using msbuild, then it has a “Touch task” and similarly if you are using Ant it too has a Touch Task
Lastly if you are using powershell it can be done with a simple function:
function touch
$file = $args[0]
if($file -eq $null) {
throw "No filename supplied"
if(Test-Path $file)
(Get-ChildItem $file).LastWriteTime = Get-Date
echo $null > $file